Kolja Sam Pluemer

March 29, 2024

Mini-Essay: 'Spam in a can' and Spaced Repetition Software

In 1970, the harrowing almost-fiasco that was Apollo 13 promoted the astronaut's status from being a passive payload to the active role of an expert again . Four days of Type III fun in which the crew hot-wired the landing module to provide primary life support made it impossible for anyone to think of them as just spam in a can anymore. The idea of the perfect software design died, and human-in-the-loop became the default.

There is a phenomenon to be found in almost any spaced repetition software's community: The drive to empower and encourage users to fiddle with all kinds of input parameters of the respective algorithms. Examples truly abound. The Anki Subreddit features extensive discussions about the settings in Anki's similarly extensive Deck Options menu. Supermemo has a whole FAQ just about the intricate balancing act of setting the forgetting index . Ebisu even requires you to set some fairly abstract initial model parameters (α, β, t) .

I used to view all of these as flaws — after all, the second thing SR communities are obsessed with is finding the optimal SR algo , and if humans are truly bad at anything, it's numerical intuition. From this angle, every degree of freedom set by a human instead of optimized by a machine is a waste, a sign of hubris — or just technology being not quite there.

However, just maybe, some of these manual inputs fulfill a purpose other than filling the gaps the algorithm has left. From a cynical marketing perspective, it's just the IKEA Effect , but perhaps it truly is a step towards truly personal software ₁₀, an acknowledge of the Substitution Myth ₁₁, an embodiment of the idea that humans are more than spam in a can, even if they are just practicing for an exam.

I still want to have a better tool for calculating the ideal introduction rate for new learning items than friendly Redditor's guesstimates, though.

This is a Mini-Essay in the spirit of learning in public. Feedback is truly welcome. Until next time!